Sunday, December 13, 2015

Inspiring Colleagues

Inspiring Colleagues to take the path of Student Led Conferences and Digital Portfolios

One of the three goals for the TLLP projects is to facilitate the sharing of exemplary practices with others for the broader benefit of Ontario's students.

I have always wanted to be part of a school that conducts Student Led Conferences from Kindergarten to Grade 8 (still on the bucket list).  This professional goal has always been a driving force for many exemplary practise awards that I have received with colleagues over the years of my teaching career.

It is a pleasure to post the successes of my colleagues who have ventured into the world of Student Led Conferences.
Enjoy the read...

Thanks for posting your adventures +John Butler

More colleague adventures to share soon... 


How To: Create an Interactive E-Book with Google Slides

July 14, 2015 by Rob Kamrowski

Great potential for documenting the student learning journey.

Thanks +Mario Addesa for tweeting this out and @MrKamrowski for blogging about it.

Other related links
Can Teachers Author Their Own Textbooks On the Fly

Monday, October 19, 2015

Before this journey began...

Before this journey began, many hours were spent researching current ideas in the education world and exploring the links between past, current and future trends.  Please view the storify link above to learn about this research.

2016-2017 Teacher Learning and Leadership Program

Teacher Learning and Leadership Program

This blog site will document the professional learning journey that we will undertake this year thanks to the support of the TLLP program.